After 7 days of DRP, to my utmost surprise, I had lost an incredible amount of 4.5kg without starving myself! The DRP is the best gift that you can give to your body. You must try it for yourself, you will not regret it; your body will surely thank you for it!
“Seeing the benefits, we decided to go for the full DRP and did the gallstone flush on the 7th day. Our results were amazing; I had lost a total of 20kg in the span of 10 months and my wife’s antigen count dropped to 5. The DRP is really amazing and we feel refreshed, lighter and vibrant.”
“I felt really good after the first coffee enema. The morning after the second coffee enema, I eliminated some black and smelly stools. I was thoroughly refreshed and felt that my body was lighter – even my headache disappeared! The DRP made me feel relaxed and rejuvenated from head-to-toe, inside out.”
“Two months later, I started the 7-day DRP and on the fourth evening, I had the liver and gall bladder detox. The result was remarkable and I passed 200 soft yellow and green stones and 11 hard white stones. A 3-foot stubborn stool was passed too.”
“I had seven days of pure tranquilly, of healing and to give myself a new start. The DRP was carefully designed to help rebuild crucial elements in the body whilst aiding its recovery. That is exactly what it did for me and more.”
“I continued with the recommended products, supplements and lifestyle from July 2009 to date. After one year and three months, the fibroscan and blood test showed no liver cirrhosis.”
“In April 2009, my total cholesterol was still high at 283mg/dL and weight management and indigestion was still a problem. I started the Newlife’s gall bladder stone flush in Aug 2009 even though I didn’t know if I have any gall stones. I passed out a total of 97 gall bladder stones ranging from 0.5cm to 2.5cm in diameter and many other tiny ones!”
“During the DRP, I found that not only was my digestive system able to rest well, the supplementation of nutrients combined with the coffee enema helped my body to eliminate toxins faster and more effectively – enhancing the effects of detoxification. It was quite different from anything that I have experienced before.”
“With the help of the DRP, the swollen and painful parts of my legs healed gradually. Gout has completely gone. Moreover, I lost 5kg. I feel healthier and I am able to work more efficiently than before.”
"Today, I am a brand new person! I no longer have monthly "pains". I certainly don't pop any more painkillers as the headaches have all gone away. And my biggest bonus is that I'm 7kgs lighter without much effort at all!"
“During the retreat, we also had coffee enemas twice daily to detoxify our colon and liver, while observing a healthy diet of salads, fruit juices and various Newlife supplements. After we returned from the health retreat, I retook my blood test. Thank God, the result showed that my CEA marker had gone down to 4.3!”
"For 3 consecutive check-ups up to the most recent one at the end of Oct 2018, the results have been consistently showing what is called "undetectable." This means my Prostate-Specific Antigen had gone down (at almost 40) to below 0.03. I am very happy and I will continue to follow the DRP."
The information presented here is for educational purpose only. This is not a prescription for self-diagnosis or self-medication. Please consult your physician regarding the application of any opinion and recommendation with respect to your symptoms or medical conditions.